Debt Collections

Debt Collections

Late payers & bad debts affect your cash flow and eat into your profits. You may have even been forced to use an overdraft or a factoring facility to help with your cash flow because slow payers and bad debtors are using YOUR MONEY! 

With over 12 years of success in the Debt Collection Industry however small your debts are we can in a professional manner make your debtors pay. 
We are experts in the recovery and collection of debts and deal firmly with debtors on a
No Collection - No Commission basis.

Corporate Debt Recovery

If you have credit accounts that are starting to cause you concern it may be that your customer is starting to experience problems.
We can collect from can't and won't pay debtors and put your money into the correct account – YOURS.
TIME is MONEY so put a service in place to have your debts collected and let us provide you with the paperwork for Directors Personal Guarantees so even if a Limited company fails you still have an avenue in which to pursue you debt.

Personal Debt Recovery UK

A personal debt is when a private individual is personally liable for the debt.
For example:
• Unpaid rent
• Unpaid personal loan
• Non payment for work done on a property, vehicle, etc
• A personal guarantee
• Sole trader or partnership
If you have money owed by a private individual we can help to recover this for you. Often the fact that you have engaged a Debt collection Agency to act on your behalf will, prompt payment for your debtor.
If necessary we will visit the debtor to find out why they are avoiding payment or your calls.
As a last resort rather than forcing the debtor towards possible bankruptcy, we can often recover money owed through establishing and administering a monitored repayment programme. Where appropriate, this may include personal guarantees and security from the debtor.

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